So I’ve managed to sprain my rotator cuff, not that badly, but enough it’s not getting better.
Physio says it’s due to my crutches use and we’ve made an adjustment today which should help.
Turns out I was loading my shoulders a little bit too much and they’ve got grumpy.
So I now have a new set of exercises to do 🙂
I’m not all that worried as I know they it will settle down and the fact that my rehab while slow is going very well.
I’ve had three hours of physio consult this week which has just been amazing. My Physio has to be one of the most hardest working and dedicated people I’ve worked with.
Got given my Hydro program today and I’m really looking forward to starting that this coming week.
I’m working on building up my endurance as I recover. My Physio is doing constant assessments and for the moment I’m still weight bearing as possible on two crutches. I had hoped to drop one or both and move onto a walking stick, but I’m just not ready yet.
I use Facebook and this blog to vent a lot of my frustration, but over all my rehab is going quite well.
When I met with my surgeon a few days ago he answered some of the question I had and when you realize what he did I’m doing very well.
Modern surgery techniques really are incredible, I’ll be left with really tiny scares but what they can do arthroscopically these days is just amazing.
I’ve also had horrendous problems with sleep, I’m hoping that moving my exercises to earlier in the evening will help fix that.
I’ve stopped pushing into pain and for me my exercises are still very difficult. We think I was stressing myself out and that was causing me to take hours to calm down before sleeping.
Lets hope it does settle down.
I have three visits to the Hydo physio next week, one initial consult and two pool sessions. All will be at 8am a bit early, but the plan is to return to work the week after so it will be good to get back into a earlier morning routine.
Been a really positive week, may it continue 🙂